Problem Employee Solutions

Resources and information for unacceptable employee behaviour in Canada

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Ex Dem Pra Coaching Technique

This is ideally used for training an employee in a new skill.

First find out what the employee already knows about the new skill.

Give the employee the 'why'
Answer these questions:
Why is learning this skill important?
What are the benefits gained in learning this skill?
How does this add to the team or the overall goals of the task, project etc?


I say, I do

You demonstrate and explain each step

I say You do

You talk through each step and the employee follows your instructions


You say, you do

Employee talks through the steps and does them at the same time

You say, I do

Employee gives you the steps and you follow the instructions


Employee practices the skill
Either by themselves. or with you close by or watching, or assign a mentor or a person who is experienced in that skill.


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